SEO & Google Ads Freelance Consultant

`0% Google Page Score

Typically when beginning or optimizing SEO Services and Google AdWords for clients there are more hours use upfront so ten hours is used in a week or week and a half.

I run an extensive site audit to fix as many critical SEO as possible.

I perform keyword research of long-tail, LSI, related, synonyms, and competitor keywords (and local if needed).

I research competitor keywords using SEMrush, MOZ, and a variety of other Keyword and SEO Toolsets.

WordPress Tips To Make Your Site Fast

WordPress SEO Infographics


Website Speed Is Now A Part Of Google’s Core Algorithm & An SEO Rank Factor


  • In July 2018, after months of alerting webmasters, Google rolled out a “Speed Update” to its core algorithm.
  • Google doesn’t give you credit for a fast WordPress site but punishes slower sites in its rankings.
  • It makes sense. Today’s mobile users dislike slow websites and are likely to “bounce” back to if a website doesn’t finish loading on a mobile phone within 3 – 4 seconds (even though the industry average is around 7 seconds).
  • A fast bounce back alerts Google that the website either did not answer the user search query or there may be a technical reason the user returned to Google so quickly.
  • Google gives points to sites where a user “dwells” (or spends an above average time on).  It is one sign that the user has found the answer to their search or may ever have discovered additional, relevant, and useful information they hadn’t thought of.
  • Google does not use your Google Analytics data but has their own internal analytics for their site.
  • A fast WordPress website is great for user experience, especially mobile phone users who now make up 65% Google’s searchers. Luckily, there are many free and premium plug-ins to make a WordPress site faster and improve SEO.
  • You can test the Google Page Speed Score by visiting a site such as GTMetrix with has all the features you need at no cost.
  • If you run the short test and find out your WordPress site has below average speed, I have years of professional experience improving site speed and SEO.


I charge $60/hour for SEO or Google AdWords services.

I work on 10-hour retainers.

No agency-style long-term locked-in contracts. You may cancel. Phone or email me.


WordPress SEO & Speed-Ups

WordPress SEO

SEO Marketing