Where is SEO Headed in 2018?

Where is Google Search SEO headed?

Well, it is that time of year again (or almost that time of year) where pundits make bold predictions on the future of Google and the future of SEO. We’ve come a long way since the early 2000’s where SEO was such an easy game to play amassing link schemes and other black hat techniques to trick Google into giving you an enormous amount of traffic.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Currently, Google has confirmed that the top 3 ranking factors currently are links, content, and RankBrain. I see no reason for any of these to be pushed out of the top 3 spots. Perhaps RankBrain gets the number one position as it becomes further adept at determining user search intent. I know that is what Google wants. Google cannot rely on links and length and quality of “epic content” to be exploited by black hatters, thus they need RankBrain to be the be all end all to put the nail in black hatter coffins.

After that, positions 4-10 is where it gets fun!! I see site speed becoming even more of a factor as Google pushes mobile searches to the forefront. Mobile responsiveness is already part of the algorithm(s) so that stays high in my mind. The usual bounce rates, time on a site and pages a user visits on a site still are vital indicators of good if not great content.

I see SEO in the future having multiple algorithm updates every hour as Google tries to pinpoint breaking trends and exact user needs at an exact moment in time.

Local SEO, so important now becomes more important.

Voice search is ready to pop like so many users are just more willing to talk into their phones than type into them.

Microformats and Schema have their parts to play but in a very minor way.

I really do not think the Internet of things is ready for prime time in 2017, but that is for consumers to decide.

SEO is still alive and if you want to do your best, follow Google guidelines, trends, and new opportunities and you will be able to if not dominate the SERPs at least have your hands in all of Google’s baskets that a few of them may be filled with gold.